Balanced Living with Katie Bell

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Welcome to the Balanced Living Community!

My Name is Katie Bell and I would like to personally welcome each and every one of you to the Balanced Living Community. This place is so incredibly special to me. I am so honoured to be able to share my healing journey with you. Every tool, class, technique, and product I share with you, I use myself. I would never share anything that hasn't in some form changed my life.

What you will find here, will greatly improve your mental and emotional health, which will lead to physical healing.

There are so many times in my own journey I have felt stuck. Like I had hit a roadblock, but not an obvious one. It wasn't something I knew how to talk about because there wasn't an obvious issue. I just knew what I was experiencing wasn't what I wanted, it didn't fill me with joy, I felt like an intruder or an imposter, and I just didn't feel my best. It is through everything I share on this page that I have gotten to place where I am truly happy and feel good in my skin.

Nothing is a one and done. Life keeps moving and so must you. I encourage you to keep practicing these practices throughout your life so you don't find yourself back at the stuck place, desperate for help.

It is also important to remember, especially for women, how connected our emotions and body are. We need to address both to find what health really means to each of us. We need to give ourselves the space to embody our feelings, emotions, and thoughts so we can let go and grow.

If you have any questions as you scroll through, please feel free to email me at [email protected].


Katie Bell

When you feel like you no longer have control, look inside!

Our reality is dictated by what is happening inside. Your emotions mixed with your limiting beliefs are at the root of your unhappiness, your bad luck, your aches and pains, your illnesses and diseases, your relationships, your career and finances, and everything in between.

Once we create a safe space for you to lower your barriers and step out of the control, we are able to observe the changes the body, mind, and soul are asking for.

Step into who you truly are and live the life you’ve imagined.

This is my Story

I always did as I was told growing up and was never very confident at following those directions. Everything always felt "off" or "wrong" but I didn't even know what to question as this was just how I knew life to be. It wasn't until my car accident that everything started to change.

After months of being tossed around the medical system and feeling no relief, I found a modality called BodyTalk. During the session we unravelled the emotion I was holding onto and magically my concussion symptoms went away and the start of a brand new conscious journey began!

Little did I know that my experiences with my dad's dementia would lead me down an even deeper road to healing emotions, not only for myself, but for my clients. Through his illness I was able to witness the devastating and controlling grip emotions have on our lives and our limiting beliefs. Just by addressing them in gentle ways, we can heal every area of our life. While I was not able to heal my dad, he gave me such a beautiful gift of understanding the human spirit at a deeper level. He has motivated me to go deeper with healing emotions and sharing beautiful somatic healing practices with you.

Please find the program that feels best for you and dive in with two feet. Fully engaging with the process will lead to incredible transformations.


- Katie Bell -

Products for the physical body.

I don't just offer somatic healing programs, I also have partnered with two amazing companies.

Let me introduce you to Tranont!

This company has well made supplements to optimize your health. These products alone have completely changed my hair, skin, focus, strength, and more. When you combine feeding yourself with good nutrients and addressing energetic and emotion blocks, you succeed.

My favourite products are Mojo and Glow!

Check it out HERE.

I have also partnered with Bodi by Beachbody!

This company has amazing workout programs for everyone where ever you are on your fitness journey. They have weightlifting programs to yoga, to pilates, to barre, and cardio. They even have sound baths!

My personal favourite program is Liift More!

You can subscribe to their library of amazing programs HERE

*** If you are looking for individual sessions, please reach out to me via email at [email protected]. Thank you!